You’ve separated, manipulated, rearranged, and calculated your data… now you might need to put it all back together again.

This happens when the data needs to be in a specific format or it’s just easier to send it in an email as one line of text.

Here’s some separated data:

1John Doejohn@example.com100 Example StreetNY

For whatever reason, you need this data as a single piece of text.

TEXTJOIN function to the rescue!


TEXTJOIN takes multiple pieces of data and joins them together by placing a delimiter in between.


=TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2, ...])
  • delimiter = the text you want in between the data points
  • ignore_empty = true or false setting that determines if empty text entered is ignored (TRUE) or included (FALSE)
  • text1 = a single piece of data, an array of data, a cell reference, or range reference
  • [text2, ...] = optional additional data to join together


Let’s use the TEXTJOIN function to join the above data (which is in cells A1:A4) using a space as the delimiter:


Here’s the output:

1John Doe 100 Example Street NY

That’s not as clear as you might want it so let’s change the delimiter to a comma and a space:


Here’s the output:

1John Doe,, 100 Example Street, NY

Much better.

Now let’s think about a situation in which some of your data is incomplete:

1John Doe100 Example StreetNY

John’s email address is missing.

If we use the same function on this data we get:

1John Doe, , 100 Example Street, NY

This is less than ideal as if you have a lot of data you might not notice this and it doesn’t look right.

Instead, we can choose to ignore the empty fields and use:

=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, A1:A4)

To get:

1John Doe, 100 Example Street, NY


Your turn:

Joining Text Exercises
Enter a formula for each question in the formula bar for the spreadsheet below to access the next lesson.
1. Include
In cell A2, enter a formula that joins the text (including the blank cell) in cells A1:D1 into a single cell separated by a comma followed by a space.
2. Ignore
In cell A3, enter a formula that joins the text (ignoring the blank cell) in cells A1:D1 into a single cell separated by a comma followed by a space.
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Next Lesson
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