The SUMIF function in Google Sheets finds the sum if (and only if) certain criteria are met. Get this powerful function working for you now.
Quick keyword research using a Google Sheet to collect data from Google's Autocomplete API. Get thousands of keywords with a single click.
Experiencing formula parse errors in Google Sheets? Find out how to fix every type of error (and learn about error handling) with this guide.
The MAX function in Google Sheets finds the maximum! It doesn't matter how many numbers, MAX will quickly find the largest / most positive.
The MAXA function in Google Sheets finds the maximum! Text or numbers... doesn't matter - MAXA finds the largest / most positive.
The MIN function in Google Sheets finds the minimum! It doesn't matter how many numbers, MIN will quickly find the smallest / most negative.
The MINA function in Google Sheets finds the minimum! Text or numbers... doesn't matter - MINA finds the smallest / most negative.
The TRIM function in Google Sheets cleans text for you! Leading, trailing, and unnecessary spaces are removed so you get only validated text.
Need to find the standard deviation using Google Sheets? Here's how to make it happen with samples, populations, and handling text values.
The COUNTA function in Google Sheets counts everything! Numbers, text, boolean... it doesn't matter. Learn how to count all data types here.
The COUNT function in Google Sheets tells you how many numbers are present in a dataset, ignoring everything else. Learn how to count here.
Need to split data? Click here to learn how to split text to columns horizontally, vertically, multiple delimiters, and fixed widths.
Do you need to find and highlight duplicates in Google Sheets using conditional formatting? The custom formulas you need are right here.
Want to know how to create a scatter plot in Google Sheets? Need to add a trendline and find its slope? Two data sets? Your answers are here.
The UPPER function in Google Sheets makes every character in a cell, column, or row uppercase. Learn how to capitalize every letter here.
The LOWER function in Google Sheets makes all text characters in a cell, column, or row lowercase. Learn how to make this happen here.
The PROPER function in Google Sheets is a powerful way to capitalize words. Be careful though, there might be some unintended consequences.
Google Sheets generates random numbers. Learn all about random numbers as decimals, integers, between two numbers, and buttons to make them!
Want Google Sheets to give you a random item from a list? Here are the exact formulas to get single or multiple outputs with no repeats.
You can use a single formula to generate a calendar for a month and year of your choice. Get a sheet to copy and the formula right here.
You can animate an image in Google Sheets! Using pixel art and Apps Script you can create a short gif inside a spreadsheet.
Learn step-by-step how to capitalize every word, the first word, or every sentence in a cell or column in Google Sheets.
Want radio buttons in Google Sheets? Here's a flexible, plug and play script that creates radio buttons in both rows and columns.
Need multiple lines in a Google Sheets cell? Learn every way to add line breaks and new lines on desktop, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Need shortcuts? Here is THE complete, searchable, sortable list of all documented Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and Mac.
Clean up that messy Google Sheet by learning how to hide (and unhide) rows and columns on desktop, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Google Sheets is good at subtracting... you can be too. Learn how to subtract numbers, columns, dates, times, percentages, all of it!
Need to add a date picker in Google Sheets? Here are step-by-step instructions for the desktop, iPhone, iPad, and Android apps.
Need a dropdown list in Google Sheets? Here's all of the details you need to make it happen on the desktop, iPhone, iPad, and Android apps.
Step-by-step guide on how to merge cells in Google Sheets for Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android. It's all here!
Need to round up and down in Google Sheets? Find out how to round using both formulas and formatting on both desktop and mobile.
You need your Google Sheets rows and columns to freeze. Find out how to make it happen on the desktop and mobile apps right here.
Need to wrap text in Google Sheets on desktop or mobile? Check out this guide with screenshots and gifs showing you how to make it happen.
Want the details of the colors in Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides? Here are the names, hexadecimal codes, and RGB for them all.
Get my 12-tip cheat sheet that will make your spreadsheets more user-friendly.
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