Google Sheets Cheat Sheet

Google Sheets Colors [Hexadecimal & RGB]

When I'm creating spreadsheets or tutorials, often I need to know the hex or RGB color codes of the standard theme Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides colors.

You know the ones:

Google Sheets Docs Slides Standard Color Palette

Interactive Color Palette

It takes too much time to look it up every time so I created an interactive color palette.

Click on a color and get the relevant codes:

blacklight grey 1
0, 0, 0217, 217, 217
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Google Sheets Colors Spreadsheet

If you want a copy of the data to keep, here's a spreadsheet:

Free Google Sheet With Standard Theme Color Information
Free Google Sheet

Google Sheets Colors

This spreadsheet contains the name, hex code, and RGB code for each of the Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides standard theme colors.

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Google Sheets, Docs, & Slides Color Data

If you don't want a spreadsheet versions, here's the spreadsheet data:

blackdark grey 4dark grey 3dark grey 2dark grey 1greylight grey 1light grey 2light grey 3white
0, 0, 067, 67, 67102, 102, 102153, 153, 153183, 183, 183204, 204, 204217, 217, 217239, 239, 239243, 243, 243255, 255, 255
red berryredorangeyellowgreencyancornflower bluebluepurplemagenta
152, 0, 0255, 0, 0255, 153, 0255, 255, 00, 255, 00, 255, 25574, 134, 2320, 0, 255153, 0, 255255, 0, 255
light red berry 3light red 3light orange 3light yellow 3light green 3light cyan 3light cornflower blue 3light blue 3light purple 3light magenta 3
230, 184, 175244, 204, 204252, 229, 205255, 242, 204217, 234, 211208, 224, 227201, 218, 248207, 226, 243217, 210, 233234, 209, 220
light red berry 2light red 2light orange 2light yellow 2light green 2light cyan 2light cornflower blue 2light blue 2light purple 2light magenta 2
221, 126, 107234, 153, 153249, 203, 156255, 229, 153182, 215, 168162, 196, 201164, 194, 244159, 197, 232180, 167, 214213, 166, 189
light red berry 1light red 1light orange 1light yellow 1light green 1light cyan 1light cornflower blue 1light blue 1light purple 1light magenta 1
204, 65, 37224, 102, 102246, 178, 107255, 217, 102147, 196, 125118, 165, 175109, 158, 235111, 168, 220142, 124, 195194, 123, 160
dark red berry 1dark red 1dark orange 1dark yellow 1dark green 1dark cyan 1dark cornflower blue 1dark blue 1dark purple 1dark magenta 1
166, 28, 0204, 0, 0230, 145, 56241, 194, 50106, 168, 7969, 129, 14260, 120, 21661, 133, 198103, 78, 167166, 77, 121
dark red berry 2dark red 2dark orange 2dark yellow 2dark green 2dark cyan 2dark cornflower blue 2dark blue 2dark purple 2dark magenta 2
133, 32, 12153, 0, 0180, 95, 6191, 144, 056, 118, 2919, 79, 9217, 85, 20411, 83, 14853, 28, 117116, 27, 71
dark red berry 3dark red 3dark orange 3dark yellow 3dark green 3dark cyan 3dark cornflower blue 3dark blue 3dark purple 3dark magenta 3
91, 15, 0102, 0, 0120, 63, 4127, 96, 039, 78, 1912, 52, 6128, 69, 1357, 55, 9932, 18, 7776, 17, 48

And some extra tables with just the names, hex codes, and RGB codes:

Color Names

blackdark grey 4dark grey 3dark grey 2dark grey 1greylight grey 1light grey 2light grey 3white
red berryredorangeyellowgreencyancornflower bluebluepurplemagenta
light red berry 3light red 3light orange 3light yellow 3light green 3light cyan 3light cornflower blue 3light blue 3light purple 3light magenta 3
light red berry 2light red 2light orange 2light yellow 2light green 2light cyan 2light cornflower blue 2light blue 2light purple 2light magenta 2
light red berry 1light red 1light orange 1light yellow 1light green 1light cyan 1light cornflower blue 1light blue 1light purple 1light magenta 1
dark red berry 1dark red 1dark orange 1dark yellow 1dark green 1dark cyan 1dark cornflower blue 1dark blue 1dark purple 1dark magenta 1
dark red berry 2dark red 2dark orange 2dark yellow 2dark green 2dark cyan 2dark cornflower blue 2dark blue 2dark purple 2dark magenta 2
dark red berry 3dark red 3dark orange 3dark yellow 3dark green 3dark cyan 3dark cornflower blue 3dark blue 3dark purple 3dark magenta 3

Hex Color Codes


RGB Color Codes

0, 0, 067, 67, 67102, 102, 102153, 153, 153183, 183, 183204, 204, 204217, 217, 217239, 239, 239243, 243, 243255, 255, 255
152, 0, 0255, 0, 0255, 153, 0255, 255, 00, 255, 00, 255, 25574, 134, 2320, 0, 255153, 0, 255255, 0, 255
230, 184, 175244, 204, 204252, 229, 205255, 242, 204217, 234, 211208, 224, 227201, 218, 248207, 226, 243217, 210, 233234, 209, 220
221, 126, 107234, 153, 153249, 203, 156255, 229, 153182, 215, 168162, 196, 201164, 194, 244159, 197, 232180, 167, 214213, 166, 189
204, 65, 37224, 102, 102246, 178, 107255, 217, 102147, 196, 125118, 165, 175109, 158, 235111, 168, 220142, 124, 195194, 123, 160
166, 28, 0204, 0, 0230, 145, 56241, 194, 50106, 168, 7969, 129, 14260, 120, 21661, 133, 198103, 78, 167166, 77, 121
133, 32, 12153, 0, 0180, 95, 6191, 144, 056, 118, 2919, 79, 9217, 85, 20411, 83, 14853, 28, 117116, 27, 71
91, 15, 0102, 0, 0120, 63, 4127, 96, 039, 78, 1912, 52, 6128, 69, 1357, 55, 9932, 18, 7776, 17, 48

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Google Sheets Cheat Sheet

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Kieran Dixon started using spreadsheets in 2010. He leveled-up his skills working for banks and running his own business. Now he makes Google Sheets and Apps Script more approachable for anyone looking to streamline their business and life.

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